The best political writing, past and present

‘What I have most wanted to do… is to make political writing into an art’

- George Orwell, Why I Write

The Orwell Foundation uses the work of the British author, journalist and essayist George Orwell (1903-1950) to shine a light on brave writing, uncovering hidden lives and uncomfortable truths. Our programmes include the Orwell Prizes - UK’s leading awards for political writing and reporting - our innovative school outreach programme and a busy schedule of live events and a wide range of online resources.

On our Substack, you’ll hear directly from the journalists and writers involved in the Orwell Prizes, including our Orwell Youth Fellows. We’ll also share the best new writing on Orwell’s life and work. In short, it’s a one-stop shop for all things Orwell.

Subscribe to Orwell Daily - your email from Orwell

is our bite-size introduction to Orwell’s journalism - and the perfect way to spend a coffee break (though Orwell would have had a cup of tea). Every week, we share a new extract ‘on the day’ it was published, with a focus on digging out lesser-known gems and items of contemporary interest.

Support our work

As a registered charity, The Orwell Foundation celebrates Orwell’s values through our prizes, school programmes, event and online resources, championing creativity and diversity of opinion to promote Orwell’s desire to ‘make political writing into an art’.

By joining the Foundation as a Friend and committing to a regular donation, you can help us perpetuate Orwell’s legacy for future generations. Friends also receive exclusive benefits, including two free tickets to Foundation events and a copy of our anthology of prize-winning writing. Though we are based in the UK, Orwell’s legacy is global. Friends can join us from anywhere and with your support we hope to grow our work in the US and around the world.

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Subscribe to The Orwell Foundation

News and insights from the UK's most prestigious prizes for political writing, plus new features on Orwell's life, work and legacy.


Official charity and home of The Orwell Prizes